This week, the Comets and Save of the Day Foundation joined forces to promote reading and education through their new initiative, ‘Skate Into Reading.’ This winter, the Save of the Day Foundation purchased 2,075 custom Brady Brady Children’s books with the Comets and Save of the Day logos on them to distribute to children in grades K-2 throughout the Mohawk Valley. The 12 different Brady Brady stories, written by Mary Shaw and Chuck Temple, all combine youth hockey with life lessons on loyalty, teamwork, and determination – principles that all align with the Foundation’s core goals.
For the entire month of March, Comets players will travel to five different schools in the Mohawk Valley to read to over 1,300 children and present each child with a Brady Brady book to take home. The first appearance on March 7 saw participation from 270 children at Jefferson Elementary where the students listened to the story read by Jayson Megna and Andrew Cherniwchan. The story was followed by a special appearance by the one and only Audie!
The Save of the Day Foundation emphasizes the importance of reading and education as it aims to help empower local youth in the Mohawk Valley. Through the ‘Skate Into Reading’ initiative, Save of the Day hopes that the month of March will be a memorable one for local schools and their students.
”The Save of the Day Foundation is committed to the children in our community. Working with the Utica Comets on this unique reading program provides a memorable experience for the students as well as the players who welcome opportunities to be out in the community, especially when it involves spending time with the kids,” said Colleen Cianfrocco, CEO of the Save of the Day Foundation.
“The importance of reading and education has been and always will be at the core of the Foundation’s goals for the Mohawk Valley,” said President Robert Esche. “It’s extremely rewarding and impactful to be able to read to over 1,300 children and leave each child with not only a personal gift, but also a vehicle to help them continue on the path of reading.”
Schools looking to be a part of the 2018-19 ‘Skate Into Reading’ program can email Colleen Cianfrocco, CEO of the Foundation, at colleencianfrocco@uticacomets.com.