“During my years in Utica, Save of the Day has made an impact on me and my teammates. It’s very touching to see the kids at our game who the Foundation has helped, and how the partnership between the Comets and the Foundation keeps growing every year. This year, Save of the Day Night was an extremely special night to play in, and something that I hope the Comets continue for years to come. I have truly enjoyed my involvement with Save of the Day, as the Foundation is always looking to make a difference.”
Mike Zalewski, Utica Comets

“The Save of the Day Foundation has helped us reach out and change lives in our community. This has included feeding individuals and families who come to our doors hungry, to providing 250 families with a Thanksgiving Turkey. The Foundation has helped us provide critical needed counseling and programming to individuals in our community struggling with life controlling issues. We were able to renovate one of our existing building with a portion of the funds provided. This building now houses individuals who have been successful in completing treatment and who are now actively engaged in seeking employment, job training, or attending college. All of this has been made possible because of the generosity of the Save of the Day Foundation.”
Ernie Talerico, Utica Rescue Mission

“Over the past 3 years, the Central New York Veterans Outreach Center has been fortunate enough to benefit from “The Save of the Day Foundation.” As a small not-for-profit Veteran’s Organization with minimal government funding, we would not be able to accomplish our mission without the help of the community. To date, our largest contributor has been “The Save of the Day Foundation” and for that no amount of words can describe our gratitude. This additional assistance has allowed us to remove 293 homeless Veterans from the streets, provide a food pantry and donation room which serves over 1,800 Veterans and their families annually, provide mentoring and physical training to 1300 inner-city youth, all while converting a once forgotten about section of Downtown Utica into a vibrant, useful hub of activity that assists our local Veterans and their families again. Thank you!”
Vincent Scalise, CNY Veteran's Outreach Center

The Save of the Day Foundation and the Adaptive Edge Skating program has made such an impact on my son’s life, and in the lives of so many other children. This program has given my son the opportunity to skate and make new friends. I am so thankful to the coaches and volunteers for their unending dedication to this program, and most of all to the children in the program. Having been able to be a part of the first season of the Adaptive
Edge Skating program has been nothing short of amazing, and I look forward to the continued growth of the program in the upcoming seasons.